

The club continues to monitor the Coronavirus situation and will be following government and Swim Wales advice carefully. At this stage we have no plans to make major changes to our offerings. Our Spring Junior Development Meet remains as scheduled, as do our planned attendances at other meets.

However, it is likely that we will see some form of disruption over the coming months. These months include both local and national level target competitions.

Training will, as much as possible, continue as normal. There are currently no planned changes at any of the pools that our club attends.

We would like to remind all members :

Please follow the latest Government advice relating to the spread of Covid-19 at all times – you can read that here :

Read and follow the hygiene precautions to help reduce the spread of

infection here :

If self isolation applies to you or your family then do NOT attend training.

The measures below are about the spread of infection, you can spread infection without being ill. This advice includes swimmers, volunteers, coaches and parents.


  • Wash your hands with soap and water often – do this for at least 20 seconds
  • Always wash your hands when you get to training and when you get home DO NOT:
  • Touch your eyes nose or mouth if your hands are not clean
  • Attend training if you are unwell, have a fever and/or cough
  • Attend training if you are in self isolationWe will continue to monitor the updates on the Coronavirus and further information will follow when necessary. Please be aware that last minute changes are possible.

    Swansea Aquatics Executive Committee